How Aircraft Broker Academy Helped Sunset Aviation Double Their Aircraft Listings

case studies success stories Jan 08, 2024
Sunset Aviation



Will Hayde from Oklahoma ventured into aviation by taking flying lessons in a C172S and launching an aircraft cleaning company that catered to piston aircraft at his local airport. While he experienced some success with the business, Will felt the need to explore other opportunities. It was through a YouTube video that he discovered the Aircraft Broker Academy (ABA), which piqued his interest in aircraft sales. Since then, Will took a bold leap and founded Sunset Aviation, dedicating himself to acquiring an in-depth understanding of the aircraft sales industry.


Challenges before joining ABA:

Will's path toward becoming an aircraft broker was paved with some challenges. Despite successfully selling one airplane before joining the Aircraft Broker Academy, he acknowledged a lingering sense of uncertainty and a need for greater confidence to serve his clients effectively. He scoured the internet for information but found that it fell short of meeting his needs. Frustrated, he recognized that these hurdles impeded his progress and jeopardized his potential to grow. It was then that Will recognized the invaluable importance of investing in aircraft sales education. He believed he could conquer his doubts and emerge as a confident and successful broker with the right knowledge and training.


How did ABA help? 

Will invested countless hours researching various training programs tailored for aspiring aircraft brokers. After carefully weighing each option's pros and cons, he decided to enroll in our Aircraft Broker Course. As he embarked on his training, Will eagerly immersed himself in the sales process module, absorbing every bit of knowledge presented. Completing this section left him feeling fully equipped to navigate the intricate landscape of aircraft sales and provide unparalleled service to his clients.


The Results:

Within two months of becoming a student, Will successfully sold three airplanes, secured ten new clients actively seeking to purchase an aircraft, and doubled the number of aircraft listings. These outstanding achievements testify to our aircraft broker course's effectiveness and ability to shape individuals into top-performing aircraft brokers. Will's journey and accomplishments stand as an inspiration, underscoring the academy's unwavering commitment to its students' success.


Are you ready to take the next step on becoming an aircraft broker? Our online course equips you with the necessary tools and knowledge to run a successful aircraft brokerage and inspires you to become financially independent regardless of your experience in the aviation industry. 

Enroll Now

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