$1,499.00 USD

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Aircraft Broker Accelerator Program

By enrolling today, you will gain the opportunity to work for an established aircraft brokerage!

What you'll get:

  • Lifetime Access to Aircraft Broker Academy Accelerator Course
  • 3-Day Virtual Bootcamp with Tom Lelyo
  • Work with an established aircraft brokerage (Jet Life Aero)
  • Access to forms and contracts
  • Access to the ABA Inner Circle and Private FB group. 

Refund Policy: With the Aircraft Broker Accelerator Program, we offer a seven-day no-question-asked refund policy. If you start the 3-Day Bootcamp with Tom Lelyo within the seven-day refund period, WE WON'T ISSUE A REFUND. 

What People Are Saying:

Very comprehensive! Alex is super knowledgeable about aviation with a lot of experience. What I like about Alex (as opposed to so many get-rich-quick charlatans online) is that he does NOT sugarcoat anything. He tells you upfront this will take work and dedication. Honesty and ethics is in short supply these days and Alex possesses both.

Kenneth Holland

I have a number of years working in aircraft maintenance and modification. With the last couple years however, my career has taken me away from working in aviation. I purchased this course with the intent to get back to working in aviation. Alex has done a great job at building this course. The material is represented well and the information is easy to comprehend.

Ricky A.

You can tell Alex put a lot of time and effort into creating this course. The teachings have already exceeded my expectations. Alex is very communicative throughout your experience and inside the course. I like how the course is set up with a comment section for questions to be answered through teach module. I have done a lot of research about the aviation industry and brokering planes , but what I have learned over the past 3 days of being inside this course has surpassed my own research. Plus Alex gives a lot of documents to download that will assist you in your studies as well as the sale process. If you’re considering learning about aviation and the sales side this course is 100% for you!

Jesse Piccolo